Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

Pet Ro

Cara nangkepnnya dan infonnya di sini, saya kasih tau semuannya hehe :D

PreviewNameEggCapture ItemAccessoryFoodCapture Chance
PoringPoring (Lv 1)Poring Egg Poring EggUnripe Apple Unripe AppleBackpack BackpackApple Juice Apple Juice~20%
ChonchonChonchon (Lv 4)Chonchon Egg Chonchon EggRotten Fish Rotten FishMonster Oxygen Mask Monster Oxygen MaskPet Food Pet Food~15%
SporeSpore (Lv 16)Spore Egg Spore EggDew Laden Moss Dew Laden MossBark Shorts Bark ShortsPet Food Pet Food~15%
Peco PecoPeco Peco (Lv 19)PecoPeco Egg PecoPeco EggFatty Chubby Earthworm Fatty Chubby EarthwormBattered Pot Battered PotPet Food Pet Food~10%
Orc WarriorOrc Warrior (Lv 24)Orc Warrior Egg Orc Warrior EggOrc Trophy Orc TrophyWild Flower Wild FlowerPet Food Pet Food~5%
MunakMunak (Lv 30)Munak Egg Munak EggNo Recipient No RecipientPunisher PunisherPet Food Pet Food~5%
PreviewNameEggCapture ItemAccessoryFoodCapture Chance
IsisIsis (Lv 47)Isis Egg Isis EggArmlet of Obedience Armlet of ObedienceQueen's Hair Ornament Queen's Hair OrnamentPet Food Pet Food~5%
PoporingPoporing (Lv 14)Poporing Egg Poporing EggBitter Herb Bitter HerbBackpack BackpackGreen Herb Green Herb~10%
Hunter FlyHunter Fly (Lv 42)Hunter Fly Egg Hunter Fly EggMonster Juice Monster JuiceMonster Oxygen Mask Monster Oxygen MaskRed Gemstone Red Gemstone~5%
Steel ChonchonSteel Chonchon (Lv 17)Steel Chonchon Egg Steel Chonchon EggRusty Iron Rusty IronMonster Oxygen Mask Monster Oxygen MaskIron Ore Iron Ore~10%
PickyPicky (Lv 3)Picky Egg Picky EggEarthworm the Dude Earthworm the DudeTiny Egg Shell Tiny Egg ShellRed Herb Red Herb~20%
RockerRocker (Lv 9)Rocker Egg Rocker EggSinging Flower Singing FlowerRocker Glasses Rocker GlassesPet Food Pet Food~15%
PreviewNameEggCapture ItemAccessoryFoodCapture Chance
SmokieSmokie (Lv 18)Smokie Egg Smokie EggSweet Potato Sweet PotatoRed Scarf Red ScarfPet Food Pet Food~10%
YoyoYoyo (Lv 21)Yoyo Egg Yoyo EggTropical Banana Tropical BananaMonkey Circlet Monkey CircletBanana Juice Banana Juice~10%
LunaticLunatic (Lv 3)Lunatic Egg Lunatic EggRainbow Carrot Rainbow CarrotSilk Ribbon Silk RibbonCarrot Juice Carrot Juice~15%
Poison SporePoison Spore (Lv 19)Poison Spore Egg Poison Spore EggDeadly Noxious Herb Deadly Noxious HerbBark Shorts Bark ShortsPet Food Pet Food~10%
Baphomet Jr.Baphomet Jr. (Lv 50)Bapho Jr. Egg Bapho Jr. EggBook of the Devil Book of the DevilSkull Helm Skull HelmHoney Honey~2%
Baby Desert WolfBaby Desert Wolf (Lv 9)Baby Desert Wolf Egg Baby Desert Wolf EggWell-Dried Bone Well-Dried BoneTransparent Head Protector Transparent Head ProtectorPet Food Pet Food~10%
PreviewNameEggCapture ItemAccessoryFoodCapture Chance
DeviruchiDeviruchi (Lv 46)Deviruchi Egg Deviruchi EggContract in Shadow Contract in ShadowPacifier PacifierShoot Shoot~5%
DokebiDokebi (Lv 33)Dokebi Egg Dokebi EggOld Broom Old BroomWig WigPet Food Pet Food~5%
DropsDrops (Lv 3)Drops Egg Drops EggOrange Juice Orange JuiceBackpack BackpackYellow Herb Yellow Herb~15%
Petit (Earth)Petit (Earth) (Lv 44)Green Petite Egg Green Petite EggShining Stone Shining StoneStellar Hairpin Stellar HairpinPet Food Pet Food~5%
Savage BabeSavage Babe (Lv 7)Savage Bebe Egg Savage Bebe EggSweet Milk Sweet MilkGreen Lace Green LacePet Food Pet Food~15%
SoheeSohee (Lv 33)Sohee Egg Sohee EggSilver Knife of Chastity Silver Knife of ChastityGolden Bell Golden BellPet Food Pet Food~5%
PreviewNameEggCapture ItemAccessoryFoodCapture Chance
BongunBongun (Lv 32)Bongun Egg Bongun EggHer Heart Her HeartGrave Keeper's Sword Grave Keeper's SwordPet Food Pet Food~5%
ZealotusZealotus (Lv 63)Zealotus Egg Zealotus EggForbidden Red Candle Forbidden Red CandleNone/UnknownImmortal Heart Immortal Heart~0.5%
AliceAlice (Lv 62)Alice Egg Alice EggSoft Apron Soft ApronNone/UnknownWhite Potion White Potion~1%

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